High School “Seniors” Get Crowd Roaring With Laughter During Hilarious Dance Routine

High school talent shows have a way of making us laugh, be entertained, and blown away by the talent young people have. A group of high school seniors decided to put a spin on their performance that made the audience laugh out loud.


We see a line of chairs on the stage, and it isn’t long before teenagers dressed as grannies slowly walk on stage. Some use canes while others use walks or wheelchairs, but all of them are rocking grey wigs.


As the popular hip hop song “Low” by Flo Rida begins to play, these hilarious teens pretend to dance as their grandparents would. They attempt to get low but have a hard time getting back up.

There’s even a knee-slapping scene when one of the students raises her walker to the roof as Rihanna’s “Work plays in the background. Looking creaky and sore while they’re busting a move makes this performance unbelievably funny.

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